Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kites Over Vista

My husband and I created a kite for the public art exhibit in Vista ,"Kites Over Vista". Tonight Rick found the article in the North County Times which ran on Thursday saying that we made it! We are in. Winds of Change will be a part of the public arts exhibit in Vista.
 The yellow sun is ours.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The garden in process...........

About a year ago I had an inspiration for a garden....a very special garden. A garden dedicated to my love of fairies. This garden is not completed.....keep your eyes ready for a magical transformation.

 It all started with a pile of tires and a chunk of Styrofoam. .

Our Art

My husband and I thoroughly enjoy creating art. We utilize a variety of mediums. What we create depends on our inspiration.

"Art removes the dust from the soul" Picasso

Our Gardens

Creating gardens is my passion. I love plants, color, and creating beautiful, inviting spaces for people and our natural guests....birds, butterflies, and dragonflies.

 Our gardens are constantly changing. Many gardens are not yet finished to my liking, so watch for them to unfold..

The Ranch

The Ranch has under gone many changes, our lives have undergone many changes...............

Monday, August 30, 2010

A small example of the interior world

The attached pictures give a small example of what the inside of the house looked like at this time......the 80"s. Unfortunately I have not been able to locate very many pictures to truly give a clear picture of how the place is evolving. The theme of the interior is "country". The pictures show the kitchen, the dining area, and the living room.

The changes continue

The rear of the house prior to the addition.
Attached are pictures taken by my husband while he was married to his first wife. The pictures give a good idea of how much has changed in a short while. These pictures where taken in the late 80"s.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The changes begin

My husband is a self taught master of much. Truly there is pretty much nothing he can not do. From here on you will begin to see the exterior changes of the house and property. Later on I will show the interior changes that we have pics of. Unfortunately there are no pictures that I can locate of how the interior of the house originally looked.
The attached pictures show the deck (the first deck I should say ) that he added on, the play area he created for his two kids, the concrete walkway that went from the side of the house to the front, the spill way and attached pond that he created, and the improved driveway entrance to the house.