Monday, August 30, 2010

A small example of the interior world

The attached pictures give a small example of what the inside of the house looked like at this time......the 80"s. Unfortunately I have not been able to locate very many pictures to truly give a clear picture of how the place is evolving. The theme of the interior is "country". The pictures show the kitchen, the dining area, and the living room.

The changes continue

The rear of the house prior to the addition.
Attached are pictures taken by my husband while he was married to his first wife. The pictures give a good idea of how much has changed in a short while. These pictures where taken in the late 80"s.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The changes begin

My husband is a self taught master of much. Truly there is pretty much nothing he can not do. From here on you will begin to see the exterior changes of the house and property. Later on I will show the interior changes that we have pics of. Unfortunately there are no pictures that I can locate of how the interior of the house originally looked.
The attached pictures show the deck (the first deck I should say ) that he added on, the play area he created for his two kids, the concrete walkway that went from the side of the house to the front, the spill way and attached pond that he created, and the improved driveway entrance to the house.

The property becomes "Randall"

In 1982 my husband and his, now ex wife,  purchased the property from his mother. The attached pics show how the house and property looked at that time. The changes over the last twenty years have been minimal. However, now that my husband owns the house and land........let the changes begin! As my blog continues and you witness the evolution of our home and property you will see that there is very little that my husband can not do.

Some history

Before I continue with our history I thought it would be interesting to share some history of our area with you.
 Unlike many areas, our area does have some actual interesting history.
The area in which we live was once called Buena Vista Rancho. In the 1920's and the 1930's it was subdivided into avocado estates and business properties.  In 1929 the Braun family purchased 44 acres and built "The Braun House". Years later the family sold off most of the property and the area became OrleavoHeights (it is still called that today, however most people do not know that). The Braun House still exists and is located at the top of our hill. The name is now :Villa Vista. For more interesting info on the house you may check it out at . We just refer to the house as "The Mansion".

The pics are from their web site at the above mentioned web site. They show our area in the 1930's when it was just the Braun House here. The last picture shows our area (though not our house) in 1993.
Though the history of our area way back then was not our history, it is history of our property so I thought it would be fun to share it before I continue with the history and transformation of our property and home into Randall Art Ranch and Sterling Gardens.

The Davenport years

My husbands grandparents, the Davenports, lived in their new home in Vista from 1960 until they passed on to their new adventures not in this world....their deaths. The house and property passed on to my husbands mother in 1981.
The house and surrounding property (1 acre) during those twenty years became home to an orchard of avocado trees and other assorted plants and trees. The upholstery business thrived and all was peaceful on this little mecca in Vista.

In the beginning

In 1960 my husbands grandparents moved to Vista from San Bernardino County and purchased our property. At that time there was pretty much nothing on the property except a metal barn in which they parked their trailer to live in while they built their (our) house. The house when they completed it was a very basic, 825 foot,square  box. They also built a not attached two car garage in which my husbands grandfather used a majority of it for his upholstery business, R.W. Davenport upholsterer.
The pictures are from February 1960 and show the barn with their trailer in it, the completed house and garage, my husband with his grandma taken on the driveway side of the house, and a pic of the house and front property taken from the street.
As I stated in my previous post that this blog is of our journey to become Randall Art Ranch and Sterling Gardens. This is the very beginning of the journey.......welcome!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our Intention

As human beings on this planet our lives tend to be so hectic, so crazy that we loose touch with nature, with joy,and with our imaginations. We loose touch with our inner child, which is tragic. At Randall Art Ranch and Sterling Gardens it is our intention, our goal, our desire to bring joy to the lives that we touch through our art and our gardens. Follow us on our journey as we work to create a world for ourselves ands others on our property that is alive with color, and stimulates your imagination. Let loose of your inner child, let loose of your imagination and come on our journey with an open mind.