Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The garden in process...........

About a year ago I had an inspiration for a garden....a very special garden. A garden dedicated to my love of fairies. This garden is not completed.....keep your eyes ready for a magical transformation.

 It all started with a pile of tires and a chunk of Styrofoam. .

Our Art

My husband and I thoroughly enjoy creating art. We utilize a variety of mediums. What we create depends on our inspiration.

"Art removes the dust from the soul" Picasso

Our Gardens

Creating gardens is my passion. I love plants, color, and creating beautiful, inviting spaces for people and our natural guests....birds, butterflies, and dragonflies.

 Our gardens are constantly changing. Many gardens are not yet finished to my liking, so watch for them to unfold..

The Ranch

The Ranch has under gone many changes, our lives have undergone many changes...............